Thursday 4 February 2016

IC driver PWM Power Supply Mini 6 kaki

Teknologi lcd berkembang dg sangat cepat sekali......
Misalnya saja ic driver PWM power suply.....sekarang banyak yg kecil2 sebesar biji beras.....

Yang bikin pusing lagi "nomor yg tertera pd bodi" BUKAN merupakan tipe atau part nomornya....tapi hanya merupakan kode2......dan jenisnya banyak sekali, masing2 pabrik bikin kode sendiri2....
Jadi klo mau cari datasheet, tdk akan ketemu klo dg menulis kode2nya tsb......

Untungnya saja...setelah kami perhatikan ...nomor kaki pin-nya hampir semua sama......
Cuma apakah bisa utk subsitusi....blum pernah coba

Misal :

  • 5xy= NCP1251,
  • IDP606 = R7731A,
  • 63xxx = OB2263,
  • WP35/XP35 = LD7535,
  • ABx = FAN6862,
  • xxP/50 = LD7550IL_BL,
  • xxP/50 = LD7550IL_BL
  • 52xxx = OB2252
  • 62xxx = OB2262
  • 73xxx = 0B2273
  • AAIxx = SG6858TZ
  • G6G = AP4313
  • 37x = LD7537


1.      GND Ground
2.      COMP Voltage feedback pin (same as the COMP pin in UC384X), By connecting a photo-coupler to close the control loop and achieve the regulation.
3.      RT This pin is to program the switching frequency. to ground to set the switching frequency. By connecting a resistor
4.      CS Current sense pin, connect to sense the MOSFET current
5.      VCC Supply voltage pin
6.      OUT Gate drive output to drive the external MOSFET

AWAS - HATI2- kadang bentuk sama tapi bukan PWM driver, seperi misalnya

  • 333x = FDC6333c Double FET P & N channel
  • BT=xxx = RT9292BGJ6  Boost up


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